Friday, September 20, 2013

Day 10

For Day 10, even though it was the only morning I would get to sleep in this week, I got up and went to yoga. And I'm very glad I did. In the beginning of class, I set an intention for that specific session. Anything from "I want to hold at least one of the one-minute poses without falling over" to "I just don't want to pass out this class". Today my intention was to feel really good during class. And that's exactly what I did. I let go of whatever was bothering me during the class and just focused on my body. I fell out of the poses but got right back into them. I worked to improve poses I struggle with. And I had an excellent few minute semi-meditation at the end (still working to turn off my thoughts, it's a personal struggle).

During the final Shavasana the instructor said something that rang so true to me:

"When you take time for yourself, that's when the healing begins."

That statement just reiterates everything I'm hoping to gain from this project. I want to work on myself, on my self esteem, on my mind body and soul (as corny as that sounds), on my relationship with myself, on accepting myself just for who I am, and accepting others the way they are, so that I can bring all of those wonderful attributes to my relationships and understanding of other people.

Now, back to the mayhem at work tonight.


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